Love's Got You
You are no accident. Nor is your visit to this page. You are reading these very words by supernatural design. They were given to me for you. True story. I asked God one day, "God what do I tell people about you?" "Love has them." Those were the words He gave me. It's a strange message, but I instantly knew its meaning and implications.
I prepared for my child with as much wisdom as my human mind could understand. I still do. I pray for her. I give her advice about anything I can think of to prepare her heart and mind for this world. I try to consider the details that would spare her the most pain and make her life better. You'd probably call what I'm doing "taking responsibility." Afterall, I brought this child into the world. My planning and preparation for her life is my obligation. Don't you think God is a better parent than I am? Wouldn't He be more prepared than I could be? Don't you think He's wiser and more powerful? I can tell you without hesitation there is no comparison. He is the only true Father. A perfect parent. He created you. If you trust Him, He has an obligation to take care of you. God forbid, my child decides not to listen to me. If she leaves my house, and chooses another family, she is lost to me. The relationship cannot be repaired unless she decides to come back. But because she is still my daughter, I'd still leave the door of reconnection open. I'd still hold her share of inheritance pending her return. If I, a severely imperfect creation can do this for my child, how much more would God the Father do? I'm telling you, He'd do and has done more than we'd think or imagine to reach His children. It is then wise, safe, and in your best interest to trust Him. He knows you, and the plans He has for you. He will get you through and to where He intends you to be. Got problem you can't solve? God's got a solution, designed by Him for you, especially for that problem, and at this time. He knew it was coming. Got a path you are not sure you should take? He's the ultimate guide. What would your life look like if you lived as though you were greatly loved and considered? Can you even imagine it? What would your life be like if you lived as though love is aware of every detail in it? How would you change if you believed love has made great plans for you with the details of you in mind? Personality. Gifts. Family. Country. Likes. Relationships. Dislikes. Imagine all of you, all considered, all the time, all planned, and loved.
God is love. It is WHO He is. He cannot act outside of who He is. Often we believe God is our judge. It's true. He is our judge, but our judge is love. Literally LOVE is our judge. That's huge! It's a major detail that we miss. It keeps us from loving God. It keeps us from trusting Him. How do you love and serve someone you don't trust? We can't.
The other day my daughter, said something that had me laughing hysterically. She recounted an experience with a group of people. The presence of God was there. She was supposed to be taking pictures. She didn't, because the moment felt sacred. She then added, "I had a feeling if I did, Jesus would hit the smite button 20 times over." This is often our view of God. He's warmed up, waiting, and ready to pounce. Then why create us? Why sacrifice yourself for us? Just to play the "smite" game? Despite what we believe the answer is no. I have life. I gave life. Life has a way of wanting to create life. It's a beautiful thing. He is life and that is what He intended. His original plan had us experiencing life fully, never questioning we were loved because we lived and walked with Love Himself.
That plan was affected by our enemy. Satan. He's the one that's waiting to pounce. He falsely accuses and condemns. Interestingly enough we say of him, "the devil is in the details." Nope, he is not! He didn't create. He was created. His attention to details is limited a best. That is why his plan is to always to steal, kill, and destroy. God's plan gives life. Life is a constant generator of details, because it has anticipated that things are constantly growing and changing. Not so with destruction. Destruction only brings death. The avenues to it, are often the same, lack of self control, lust, and pride. Pride being the root of it all. It is pushes the lie that we know how to run and control our lack of control, lust filled lives. See the problem there? We are depending on the our flesh to control our flesh. Crazy, isn't it! The enemy twists and decieves us into whoppers like these. He wants us to miss the many small and mighty details of God's great love.
Sunday is Valentine's Day. We'll celebrate the way we love people in details. Flowers. Notes. Candy. Songs. Whatever. Wherever you are, I hope you will pause to remember Love Himself. God, our creator. He is the most detailed lover of them all. You are His, or you can be if you choose. You are in His sight wherever you are or whoever you belong to. Whether you view yourself as good or bad, you are redeemable. He planned your redemption, just like He planned this moment. Stop. Listen and think. Life can be without the fruitless effort of worry. It's not popular, but it's still true. God has that for you. It's
His plan. It's yours, if you trust the details of your now, to the one who knows how to handle them all. Happy Valentines Day. May you KNOW the only true love- the love of God.
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