Living the Dream: January
At the beginning of the year I shared these thoughts regarding 2014. In my quest to make every moment count, I decided it was best to have a monthly goal. Be it a new adventure, or an old dream, the only criteria was it had to be something that mattered to me. See post here. Here's what I did with January.
I enjoy being alone. When I was younger I'd take myself on date nights. After kids that time alone went from less to virtually nonexistent. When I do have alone time there is usually an agenda. I miss dressing up and going out with just me. I have been meaning to reacquaint myself with this simple pleasure for years.
I enjoy being alone. When I was younger I'd take myself on date nights. After kids that time alone went from less to virtually nonexistent. When I do have alone time there is usually an agenda. I miss dressing up and going out with just me. I have been meaning to reacquaint myself with this simple pleasure for years.
For as long as I can remember I have struggled with anger and impatience. When the kids came along both those issues became painfully obvious, and was manifested primarily in the form of yelling. Over the years I've improved, but by no means do I feel cured. Relax, I'm not a raging maniac. My kids are very loved and safe. However I do believe that if anger is not properly directed or expressed it is destructive. It's something I'm determined to overcome. I welcome opportunities to learn more in this area
Two for One
Dr Gary Chapman is a highly regarded counselor and author. The Five love languages is his best known work. When I heard he was hosting a seminar called "Parenting in the 21st Century: Handling Anger in Your Home" I knew I needed to go. It was an opportunity to take myself on a date AND learn. That week had been particularity difficult. Getting all dressed up and having the evening to myself was the right prescription. I sat in that auditorium, and listened to one of the most amazing presentations I've ever heard in my life! It was based on Dr. Chapman's book on anger. Practical advice, and even a question and answer session highlighted the event. The information and tips I received that evening was priceless. Ironic, because the seminar itself was free! Words hardly do the event justice.The entire evening, and experience was an answer to prayer, and absolutely glorious down to the smallest detail.
One Down: Eleven to Go
Recently, I got the impression that the theme of my year will be "moving forward." That statement has accurately reflected this month. Honestly, that evening felt like a giant leap forward. How the coming months compare to that, I don't know. What I do is, whether they be baby steps, or enormous leaps, I intend to keep the moving forward, one month and one goal at a time.
Great post, very inspiring!