

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Learning Well

"Fisherman can't smell he own basket." 

You can thank my grandmother for that dandy line. It came up in a recent conversation with my sister. As I reflected on it's meaning, I was reminded, some of the best lessons ever taught are outside of a classroom. In fact they aren't of an academic nature at all. They are lessons on/in life. 
Jesus who created it all, didn't come to earth to teach us more about science.  He could have. He didn't come to teach us more about math. He could have. He didn't come to teach us more about astronomy  He could have. Point is, He could have literally blown our minds. Instead, he came, to offer Himself a sacrifice. He taught us about life, how to love, and how to live. His lessons were character related, and far from the lessons of today's classrooms. I not saying dismiss academics altogether. A good education can't be discounted. I'm saying, the definition of "education" should be expanded to include such things as learning how to live. It should include topics like how to forgive, how to love, being gracious, how to resolve conflict etc. These lessons/qualities are priceless. Imagine what would our country be like if a high scores in respect were as prized as high scores on the SAT.
When that "fisherman can't smell he own basket" line came my way, I instantly knew the meaning: It's hard for people to see their own messes. It's much easier to see what's wrong with/in another person's life, while overlooking your own work areas. My grandmother had a way of making us understand big things by using the little things around us. Jesus did this. It was His teaching tool. Maybe that's why, when Grammy used it, it was so effective. I always knew what she was saying, even if I didn't always follow it. She didn't use a ton of words, she just knew when to speak the right ones. Her lessons proved to be some of the most valuable ones in my life. Better than any classroom, was a conversation with Sarah Knowles. She's the wisest human I've ever met, having only the most elementary of formal education. Funny, because some of the most ridiculous things I've heard said (and seen done) have come from some of the most academically educated. At first glance that would seem a contradiction.  It's not. I came to the realization that there are simply two schools. Some people are students of life. They learn its lessons, and they excel. Some people do well in a classroom, but flunk life simplest of lessons. It's best to be a student of both. Learning how to live being the better choice. No amount of academics, will ever compensate for wisdom, and knowing how to approach life related issues.
High school was no picnic for me, but if I could do it again, I'd rather see more classes on character, ethics and integrity. I am still waiting, and long since forgotten how algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and the like, applies to my life. An involuntary runaway smirk still roams my face when I think about a certain class I had on the use of word processors   Yes, I'm old enough to remember them. Mostly, I marvel at just what a waste of time it was. I would have much rather hear all about "fishermen" and their "baskets", and how "it takes all kinds to make the world go round." Or how "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."  Those were lessons well learned. They stuck. In my life these lessons are still in use, unlike a certain algebra class...

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Wisdom and knowledge is two different things for sure. I would much rather have wisdom. Grammy have it to burn.


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