This was literally an answer to prayer. Almost immediately after I finished yesterday's post, the phone rang. It was someone from our local library. He informed me that I had in fact lost my keys (I got a laugh out of that). My library card (on my keys) was used to tracked me down. They gave me the contact info of my good Samaritan. I gave him a call. Turns out he's our UPS man.
On Monday ("our holiday") my husband decided to patch our driveway. We had several thousand pounds of concrete in the truck bed. We were limited on time. I decided to move the truck to the patch site, instead of logging the weight manually. Great idea.
Next, I decided that I'd leave my keys on the hood (or roof can't recall which) of the truck. That way, they'd be in plain site, and I won't lose them. Poor idea. We needed another load of concrete. The hubby took the truck to fetch it. My keys went bye bye. For hours we searched the streets of my neighborhood, and town. No sign of the keys.
We discussed arrangements to return the keys. I wasn't going to tell him where I live, but he's my UPS man, and our neighborhood isn't exactly huge. He knew my house before I even finished speaking in vague terms. He dropped the keys off without my knowledge. I didn't even get to thank him in person.
Funny thing is. I saw him on Monday delivering packages. Usually, I wave at everyone that passes. It's an island thing. That day I didn't wave to him. I was preoccupied. He waved to me. I'll tell you this, the next time that UPS truck comes by, I'll be standing in my driveway smiling and waving like it's a parade :)
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