Be Cool
Recently I've been thinking, I would love to have a bit more "manittude." I would like the ability to dismiss the non essentials like a lot of men do. My husband is such a dude in that way. He decides what's a problem for him. No one else does. I find that I'm much more reactive. Someone does something offensive, and naturally I'm offended. My husband's reaction; someone does something offensive, and he's not moved one way or the other, UNLESS he deems it a worthy cause. I've been watching him for years, and those "worthy causes" are few and far between. It's not that he doesn't care, but more that he's intentional about what's worth his time, and energy. He seems almost immune to dramatic episodes. He does have a weak spot though, traffic. Crazy drivers have the ability to set him off like nothing else. Sill I find myself admiring his calm...
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