

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Good Fight

I took a stand today
Guilt no more for me.
I fought pity today,
I like this feeling, free.
I'm stronger than I know,
God dismissed all doubt.
I opened a door of grace,
And let old grudges out.
Worry has no home here.
Confidence take your throne.
There goes my frustration,
Anger leave me alone!
I said goodbye to flawed expectations.
I traded pain for peace.
I acknowledged my weaknesses,
And found I was released.
Humility tamed pride.
Contentment replaced lust.
I lept of the ledge of secrecy,
And took a chance on trust.
Bitterness bowed to forgiveness.
Hurt welcomed healing.
I accepted love, I gave it.
Excuses no longer justification,
I am a soldier, obsessed with my mission,
Search and destroy whatever threatens my joy.
I fight. I battle. I war,
Sometimes afraid, always relentless.
I've engaged the emeny without,
And prevailed to a degree,
Using all courage to confront,
My greatest adversary, me.


  1. I have one word for this poem. A W E S O M E !

  2. I meant to comment on this earlier. WOW!! That was fantastic. Gave me much to think about long after I read it...


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