

Friday, July 24, 2020

Bold Enough

I suppose that after you written nearly a 15,000 word blog you are entitled to a month or two off. And so, I took a break. I didn't intend to. I intended to follow my post Unrest with one called "Black Enough." It would defend and detail all the reasons why I was qualified to speak so candidly on race. It would also serve to answer those who would seek to discredit me because I told the uncomfortable truth regarding the topic. I've decided against that at this time.

I realize that the reason I am qualified to speak on race has less to do with what I've suffered related to skin color, but on what I have endured related to the condition of my heart. I'm "black enough" to speak on racial issues because I once walked in total darkness in all areas of life. I've experienced that humans are selfishly motivated. Unless divinely influenced, man will never do right by man, and I am no exception.

It was the truth of God alone that changed me. It continues to this day. It is the reason I now seek to give the homeless new clothes, not just my old ones. It's the reason I give my family the choice cut of meat, and not save it for my plate. It's the reason I buy the thing that I damage at the store, and not have someone else eat the cost. It is the reason I return the item to the rack, or the cart to its place.  This list can go on, and though these are seemingly little things, they all esteem others greater than they esteem self. It is a life altering shift. I know who I was before. I'm different now. There is some new law written on my heart. Its primary function seems to be to inspire me to love and to do good works.

I'm aware that some will be turned off by the talk of Jesus. I truly never wanted to sound "too christiany." I'm not attempting to be pious, simply honest. I have struggled with just about every wrong thing I can think of. Even the "small things," whether it's lying, envy, gossiping, and on, none of those things promote the wellbeing or justice of another human. Only the love of God does that. I refuse to undermine the sacrifice and grace of Jesus by pretending that I could be enough.  It's futile to even entertain the idea. Justice and peace belongs to the Lord. Those who follow Him, find it.

And so as the unrest continues in the streets, and people urge me to fight against "social injustice," I choose to fight for something more. Love. I redirect my heart and focus towards the only God who gives joy in the midst of chaos. I follow the one who healed the outcasts. Fought for women's rights before the world knew it was the right thing to do. He associated with the racially marginalized, befriended and assisted the poor, weak an lowly. He chose inequality, and gave His life so that all may be free. His passion was not merely for "social justice," but spiritual justice. Spiritual justice is the true healer. It brings genuine power, and equality to all. His life forever taught us that man is more than his social assignment. Unless you address his heart, he will always descend into unjust behaviors and conditions. Social, and otherwise.

I find my comfort in Christ, not in my culture or my color. The issue isn't whether I'm "black enough" to speak on the one topic assigned to me by the world, but whether in freedom, I'm bold enough to speak the truth of God on any topic, to any power in this world. My credentials are greater than skin tone, or earthly affiliations. Simply put; I'm sinful enough to know, and speak on the transforming power of God's love. May He give me the strength to never shut up about it.