So it's been a few weeks since I've posted the happenings from in and around my world. A lot can happen in two weeks. Too much to tell. That is why I will only tell you what's on my mind right now. I'm still giddy over Easter! It is hands down my favorite holiday. This year as I reflected on the death and Resurrection of Jesus, I just couldn't help but think on the kind of life He lived. He lived a life worthy of a sacrificial death. Had he been just another man, He would have only been dying for himself. No story there. However, because He NEVER did one wrong thing in 33 years on this earth (that astounds me) He was counted worthy to die for the sins of all, and also worthy to rise again. This is power unfathomable. It's more than a good deal. It's a God deal. I am a deeply grateful beneficiary of this exchange. As such, I had a wonderful time remembering, and celebrating the most significant event in the history of man. It is the "happy ending" and "happily ever after" to the story of all mankind. Every year it means more to me. I hope yours was a good one. I hope you got a chance to celebrate and thank God for the true meaning of Easter.